…a hub to the nations…
Reaching out to the community in the area of HIV/AIDS
We are a Ministry of Youth With A Mission Arusha, reaching out to the community in the area of HIV/AIDS, encouraging and teaching them how to live a positive life while they are still infected.
Preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS Encouraging positive living and hope to the infected while creating awareness and training in schools, churches and the community in general through education and advocacy.
We aim to raise awareness through teaching and training the community on how to respond positively to the challenges posed by the Aids pandemic. We also coordinate local support groups of those living with the Virus.
Some of the people we serve who are HIV / AIDS positive are organized in two support groups.
A women group, most of them with children and/or grandchildren
This group is a men only group, most of them elderly and with families depending on them
We also run an education support program that helps keep orphans and children of Aids victims stay in school and acquire quality education. Currently we have full support of 8 such children.
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