Advocating for Children
and Youth School

To call caring adults in the church to advocate for God’s value in children and youth.

Next school: 31st July 2023 – 12th January 2024

Mission Statement:
To call caring adults in the church to advocate for God’s value in children and youth. Equipping them with the thinking and actions necessary to accomplish His intentions during their childhood and teen years.

The focus on this course is the Church of Africa turning their hearts, minds, energies and resources to the children and youth of Africa.

Discipling nations begins with a focus on children and youth. Many issues in Africa place children at risk in every area of life. Their mortality rate is one of the highest in the world. Their education level is one of the lowest. Their physical safety, spiritual and social emotional wellbeing is fragile. Because of the many needs of the children of Africa, more Christians from inside and outside Africa are needed to work in their best interest.
This course is designed to present the needs and needed interventions for African children from an Afro-centric perspective. This is accomplished by highlighting God’s purposes for every stage of growth in a child’s life, as well as the critical importance of loving nurturing interactions with committed adults at each stage. Then, applying those truths to the needs of local children. This course will present an integration of theology and science related to a child’s need for adult interaction. Each week, the students will learn practical application relevant to their work with children and families in the church and in the community; interactions that will support God’s intentions for children and their families.

Intakes: Each August
Course Duration: 6 months (August – January)
Average Class Size: Contact us at or! 

Age Limit: Contact us at or! 

Admission Requirements: Fill out below application… 

Developed Countries: $1,045 USD (includes registration fee & visa fee)

Medium Income Countries: $905 USD (includes registration fee & visa fee)

Developing Countries (non-EAC): $680 USD (includes registration fee & visa fee)

East African: $350 USD (includes registration fee & visa fee)

 Tanzanian: 550,000 TZShillings (includes registration fee)


Lecture Phase Topics:

God’s heart for children: biblical framework and orientation activities

Circles of protection

Child/teen growth and development

Learning styles

Children grow best in families

Disciplining children

Childhood trauma

Youth growth and development 11-18

The Church’s responsibility to children and their families

Program planning

Life skills for using and passing along

Finding my place in advocating for children

Click below to download the application form:

ACYS Application form in English

Email for the Application form in Swahili.

See pages 8, 9, 10 in the application form.


1) Impart a heart for God’s intentions, God’s purposes for the child in every stage and area of their development.

2) Impart a desire to the students to work with God’s intentions to empower a child to be contributing members of their community. 

3) Impart a desire to understand the needs and strengths of each child and work with them according to their individual history, strengths and weaknesses.

4) Give biblical principles, science, tools and skills to understand and work with children to move them to the fullness of life God has for them.

5) Empower adults to bring change in their church and community on behalf of children.


1) The student will base all their work with children/youth on God’s intentions at every age and stage of development.

2) The student will be introduced to and assess the needs of children in their community today.

3) The student will understand that a child’s potential and wellbeing is developed by one committed adult.

4) The student will work with all children and youth in cooperation trust based relational activities.

5) The student will understand that children/youth are important in the wellbeing of the church now and in the future.

And many more!